Hi, today I'm going to re introduce you to the LEGO Lord of the Rings characters in their glory days. They started to emerge in 2012 and five years later, I hope they are still remembered.
Let's get started.
The Fellowship of the Ring.
1. Gandalf the Grey (Mithrandir).

Gandalf is the wizard in the fellowship with his classic pointy hat here. He is carrying a brown bar as his staff and a sling bag full of weeds I suppose. He has a crisp grey cape but no alternate face in this variant. This is a quite common minifigure and he appeared in 9469 Gandalf Arrives for Lord of the Rings theme and three more sets in Hobbit theme 79003 An Unexpected Gathering, 30213 Gandalf at Dol Guldur polybag, and 79010 The Goblin King Battle.

This is another variant of Mithrandir with grey hair and cape. The difference from the first one is that he has his hair to cover the alternate angry face (pointy hat doesn't). This Gandalf is quite needed as you have to get his battle face. Anyhow he is quite easy to find in a small set 79005. He appeared in two sets in The Lord of the RIngs theme and one set in The Hobbit theme. The one without cape was in 79005 The Wizard Battle and the one with cape was in 10237 The Tower of Orthanc and 79014 Dol Guldur Battle.
2. Frodo Baggins.

Ring bearer. Frodo has three variants but only two was shown here as I lost the third one. The three variant shared the same hairpiece, same rumpled jacket with red vest torso and same short brown legs. The differences are the capes and the facial expressions. The Frodo in 79006 The Council of Elrond has a worried and angry face headpiece without cape, this is the one not shown in picture which I've lost. The other two shared the same worried and poisoned facial expression but different cape. The one with dark green cape is from 9472 Attack on Weather Top where he was stabbed by Ringwraith with a Morgul Shaft. The other one with Grey Cape is from 9470 Shelob Attacks where he was poisoned by the giant spider. All of them came with the Sting and the Great One Ring. Three of them representing Frodo from different scene after the Fellowship started their journey. Its very nice that LEGO actually made a new mold for the Sting rather than using the standard sword for him.
3. Samwise Gamgee.

Samwise the brave. I want to hear more about him. He is Mr Frodo's Gardener and being punished to follow Frodo with his quest for eavesdropping Gandalf and Frodo's conversation about the ring. Sam was the youngest son of Hamfast and Bell Gamgee, and had many brothers and sisters. He lived with his father, Hamfast Gamgee, known as "The Gaffer", on Bagshot Row in the Shire, close to Bag End. Sam's mother was Bell Goodchild. He had five siblings: Hamson, Halfred, Daisy, May, and Marigold. After Shelob attacked and seemingly killed Frodo, Sam took the Ring, confronted Shelob with the Phial of Galadriel, intending to complete the quest on his own. For this minifigure, he ONLY appeared exclusively in 9470 Shelob Attacks together with Frodo and Gollum. He had a grey cape similar to Frodo's, and wearing a dark tan outfit. Accessory wise he is holding a typical LEGO sword and a diamond as the Phial of Galadriel. He had two expressions. Frowny face and scared face when fighting Shelob to save Frodo.
Let's get started.
The Fellowship of the Ring.
1. Gandalf the Grey (Mithrandir).

Gandalf is the wizard in the fellowship with his classic pointy hat here. He is carrying a brown bar as his staff and a sling bag full of weeds I suppose. He has a crisp grey cape but no alternate face in this variant. This is a quite common minifigure and he appeared in 9469 Gandalf Arrives for Lord of the Rings theme and three more sets in Hobbit theme 79003 An Unexpected Gathering, 30213 Gandalf at Dol Guldur polybag, and 79010 The Goblin King Battle.

This is another variant of Mithrandir with grey hair and cape. The difference from the first one is that he has his hair to cover the alternate angry face (pointy hat doesn't). This Gandalf is quite needed as you have to get his battle face. Anyhow he is quite easy to find in a small set 79005. He appeared in two sets in The Lord of the RIngs theme and one set in The Hobbit theme. The one without cape was in 79005 The Wizard Battle and the one with cape was in 10237 The Tower of Orthanc and 79014 Dol Guldur Battle.
2. Frodo Baggins.

Ring bearer. Frodo has three variants but only two was shown here as I lost the third one. The three variant shared the same hairpiece, same rumpled jacket with red vest torso and same short brown legs. The differences are the capes and the facial expressions. The Frodo in 79006 The Council of Elrond has a worried and angry face headpiece without cape, this is the one not shown in picture which I've lost. The other two shared the same worried and poisoned facial expression but different cape. The one with dark green cape is from 9472 Attack on Weather Top where he was stabbed by Ringwraith with a Morgul Shaft. The other one with Grey Cape is from 9470 Shelob Attacks where he was poisoned by the giant spider. All of them came with the Sting and the Great One Ring. Three of them representing Frodo from different scene after the Fellowship started their journey. Its very nice that LEGO actually made a new mold for the Sting rather than using the standard sword for him.
3. Samwise Gamgee.

Samwise the brave. I want to hear more about him. He is Mr Frodo's Gardener and being punished to follow Frodo with his quest for eavesdropping Gandalf and Frodo's conversation about the ring. Sam was the youngest son of Hamfast and Bell Gamgee, and had many brothers and sisters. He lived with his father, Hamfast Gamgee, known as "The Gaffer", on Bagshot Row in the Shire, close to Bag End. Sam's mother was Bell Goodchild. He had five siblings: Hamson, Halfred, Daisy, May, and Marigold. After Shelob attacked and seemingly killed Frodo, Sam took the Ring, confronted Shelob with the Phial of Galadriel, intending to complete the quest on his own. For this minifigure, he ONLY appeared exclusively in 9470 Shelob Attacks together with Frodo and Gollum. He had a grey cape similar to Frodo's, and wearing a dark tan outfit. Accessory wise he is holding a typical LEGO sword and a diamond as the Phial of Galadriel. He had two expressions. Frowny face and scared face when fighting Shelob to save Frodo.
4. Meriadoc Brandybuck.

Meriadoc is also known as Merry in the movie. He was the only child of Saradoc Brandybuck, Master of Buckland, and Esmeralda Took, the younger sister of Paladin Took II, making him first cousin to Paladin's son Pippin, who was clearly his closest friend. Both of them always appeared together in the movie until they are separated after Pippin followed Gandalf the White to Gondor. Here he appeared also exclusively in set 9472 Attack on Weathertop. He has dark orange hair and wearing a dark green coat with yellow vest. His facial expression with a smirking pattern is very special in LEGO and the other expression was a shouting face. He is equipped with a standard sword and short brown legs.
5. Peregrin Took.

'Fool of a Took!' yelled Gandalf after he did something stupid that would bring danger to the company or the quest. In the movie he is well known as Pippin. Pippin was born to Paladin Took II and Eglantine Banks. He was the youngest of four children and had three older sisters, Pearl, Pimpernel, and Pervinca. His father's sister, Esmeralda Took, was the mother of Meriadoc Brandybuck, thus making Pippin and Merry first cousins. Here in LEGO, he exclusively appeared in 9473 The Mines of Moria to perform the act of summoning the cave troll and orcs to the company. He was in his dark blue coat, with his dark tan scarf, holding a standard sword. He has two expressions which were the anxious looking face and the scared face. I supposed that he ought to be scared of Gandalf after what his curiosity did to the Fellowship.

Orcs! Some group photos that you can do for the Hobbits. Have you noticed the difference in the hair colors?

Go away you evil wraith!

I really like the color of their shirts. Alright let's proceed to others.
6. Aragorn.

Aragorn II, the son of Arathorn II and Gilraen, also known as Elessar as well as Strider. He was later crowned King Elessar Telcontar and first High King of Gondor and Arnor, since the short reign of Isildur. He was a great warrior and a great lover for Arwen, and as the heir of Isildur bore the shards of Narsil, reforged and renamed Andúril. He appeared in three sets in this brown outfit which makes him quite commonly found. The three sets are 9472 Attack on Weathertop, 9474 The Battle of Helm's Deep, and 79008 Pirate Ship Ambush. In these sets, Aragorn was yet to have the Anduril as his weapon but I am happy to assume that long sword that he is holding is the legendary Elven forged sword. The torch is for him to burn off the ringwraiths that attacked the Hobbits at the Weathertop.
7. Boromir.

He is the eldest son of Denethor II, who was Steward of Gondor during the War of the Ring, and his wife Finduilas. He is the older brother of Faramir. He is wearing a blue outfit with a belt just like in the movie but printing a Gondorian horn at the back of the torso would be a nice addition to this very nice minifigure. He came with a long sword and a special shield designed just for him. Boromir actually set out from Minas Tirith to Rivendell by order of his father, Denethor to decipher a riddle that was given to him and his brother in their dreams.
Seek for the Sword that was broken,
In Imladris it dwells,
There shall be counsels taken,
Stronger than Morgul-spells.
There shall be shown a token,
That Doom is near at hand,
For Isildur's Bane shall waken,
And the Halfling forth shall stand.
Then only he joined the Fellowship in the Council of Elrond. He appeared exclusively in set 9473 The Mines of Moria.

A little scene with his killer Uruk Hai.
8. Legolas Greenleaf.

Laiqalassë, is actually his name when he is in Tol Eressëa ages after he left Thranduil at the end of 'The battle of the Five Armies'. Legolas was a Sindarin elf who was part of the Fellowship of the Ring in the Third Age. and the son of the Elvenking Thranduil of Mirkwood. He then gave his bow to Frodo, pledged to the protection of the Ring Bearer in the Council of Elrond. He appeared in two sets, 79008 Pirate Ship Ambush and 9473 The Mines of Moria. In recent year (2015) he reappeared in LEGO Dimension set 71219 with new clenched teeth expression. He is wearing an olive green outfit which is the same in the movie, with all the Elven curves at the torso. I like it that the print that extended to the legs actually made him looks taller. The Elvish hair is also very nicely carved but it was too big and blocking his head to be fixed to look at the center. He also comes with alternate angry face.
9. Gimli.

Son of Gloin.

Gimli was the son of Glóin and a nephew of Óin, both former companions of Bilbo Baggins. He was a remote descendant of Durin the Deathless, father of the first house of dwarven people. Gimli stemmed from, but was not an inheritor of, the royal line. Through his father, Gimli was also the first cousin once removed (or "nephew", for simplicity's sake) of Balin, Lord of Moria, and his brother Dwalin, two more former companions of Bilbo. It is also stated in the Unfinished Tales that Gimli was prevented from traveling with his father on The Quest of Erebor because Thorin and company thought him too young, though Gimli, being in his sixties, considered himself ripe for adventure and was disappointed to be left behind. He is a great minifigure despite being common. He is holding a big and a small axe which makes him not so stable but luckily the long bar can act as a stick to make him stand. The beard mold was very detailed but it covers all of his torso, so i took it out to see clearer. The logo of the belt resembles the shape of an axe. Without the manly beard now he looks like a boy. He has an alternate angry face. Hmm the angry face was kind of unnoticeable due to the large beard and helmet. He appeared in four sets, 9473 The Mines of Moria, 9474 The Battle of Helm's Deep, 79006 The Council of Elrond, and 79008 Pirate Ship Ambush. Similar to Legolas, he then reappeared in 71220 LEGO Dimension set with new headpiece.
10. Gollum, or Smeagol.

Gollum, originally known as Sméagol, was at first a Stoor, one of the three early Hobbit-types. The name Gollum was derived from the sound of his disgusting gurgling, choking cough. To include him as in the Fellowship of the Ring, he met and followed the company in search of his lost Precious, the One Ring that corrupted him for almost four hundred years in the Misty Mountains, eating raw fishes on his small boat. He grabbed the ring from his cousin Deagol as his birthday present and killed him after he refused to give. He then met Frodo and Sam again when they parted at Amon Hen, being their tour guide to Mordor with his wicked plan to bring them to the giant spider, Shelob. He exclusively appeared in the set 9470 Shelob Attacks. This one is the Wide eyes variant 'equipped' with a juicy fish. There is another variant with narrow eyes which appeared in 79000 Riddles of the Ring and 71218 LEGO Dimension Fun Pack.

I am very happy to have them in my display and please share your thoughts regarding this review and the collection of the Fellowship. Thanks for reading and I'm happy to prepare for next series of collection in this theme.

Meriadoc is also known as Merry in the movie. He was the only child of Saradoc Brandybuck, Master of Buckland, and Esmeralda Took, the younger sister of Paladin Took II, making him first cousin to Paladin's son Pippin, who was clearly his closest friend. Both of them always appeared together in the movie until they are separated after Pippin followed Gandalf the White to Gondor. Here he appeared also exclusively in set 9472 Attack on Weathertop. He has dark orange hair and wearing a dark green coat with yellow vest. His facial expression with a smirking pattern is very special in LEGO and the other expression was a shouting face. He is equipped with a standard sword and short brown legs.
5. Peregrin Took.

'Fool of a Took!' yelled Gandalf after he did something stupid that would bring danger to the company or the quest. In the movie he is well known as Pippin. Pippin was born to Paladin Took II and Eglantine Banks. He was the youngest of four children and had three older sisters, Pearl, Pimpernel, and Pervinca. His father's sister, Esmeralda Took, was the mother of Meriadoc Brandybuck, thus making Pippin and Merry first cousins. Here in LEGO, he exclusively appeared in 9473 The Mines of Moria to perform the act of summoning the cave troll and orcs to the company. He was in his dark blue coat, with his dark tan scarf, holding a standard sword. He has two expressions which were the anxious looking face and the scared face. I supposed that he ought to be scared of Gandalf after what his curiosity did to the Fellowship.

Orcs! Some group photos that you can do for the Hobbits. Have you noticed the difference in the hair colors?

Go away you evil wraith!

I really like the color of their shirts. Alright let's proceed to others.
6. Aragorn.

Aragorn II, the son of Arathorn II and Gilraen, also known as Elessar as well as Strider. He was later crowned King Elessar Telcontar and first High King of Gondor and Arnor, since the short reign of Isildur. He was a great warrior and a great lover for Arwen, and as the heir of Isildur bore the shards of Narsil, reforged and renamed Andúril. He appeared in three sets in this brown outfit which makes him quite commonly found. The three sets are 9472 Attack on Weathertop, 9474 The Battle of Helm's Deep, and 79008 Pirate Ship Ambush. In these sets, Aragorn was yet to have the Anduril as his weapon but I am happy to assume that long sword that he is holding is the legendary Elven forged sword. The torch is for him to burn off the ringwraiths that attacked the Hobbits at the Weathertop.
7. Boromir.

He is the eldest son of Denethor II, who was Steward of Gondor during the War of the Ring, and his wife Finduilas. He is the older brother of Faramir. He is wearing a blue outfit with a belt just like in the movie but printing a Gondorian horn at the back of the torso would be a nice addition to this very nice minifigure. He came with a long sword and a special shield designed just for him. Boromir actually set out from Minas Tirith to Rivendell by order of his father, Denethor to decipher a riddle that was given to him and his brother in their dreams.
Seek for the Sword that was broken,
In Imladris it dwells,
There shall be counsels taken,
Stronger than Morgul-spells.
There shall be shown a token,
That Doom is near at hand,
For Isildur's Bane shall waken,
And the Halfling forth shall stand.
Then only he joined the Fellowship in the Council of Elrond. He appeared exclusively in set 9473 The Mines of Moria.

A little scene with his killer Uruk Hai.
8. Legolas Greenleaf.

Laiqalassë, is actually his name when he is in Tol Eressëa ages after he left Thranduil at the end of 'The battle of the Five Armies'. Legolas was a Sindarin elf who was part of the Fellowship of the Ring in the Third Age. and the son of the Elvenking Thranduil of Mirkwood. He then gave his bow to Frodo, pledged to the protection of the Ring Bearer in the Council of Elrond. He appeared in two sets, 79008 Pirate Ship Ambush and 9473 The Mines of Moria. In recent year (2015) he reappeared in LEGO Dimension set 71219 with new clenched teeth expression. He is wearing an olive green outfit which is the same in the movie, with all the Elven curves at the torso. I like it that the print that extended to the legs actually made him looks taller. The Elvish hair is also very nicely carved but it was too big and blocking his head to be fixed to look at the center. He also comes with alternate angry face.
9. Gimli.

Son of Gloin.

Gimli was the son of Glóin and a nephew of Óin, both former companions of Bilbo Baggins. He was a remote descendant of Durin the Deathless, father of the first house of dwarven people. Gimli stemmed from, but was not an inheritor of, the royal line. Through his father, Gimli was also the first cousin once removed (or "nephew", for simplicity's sake) of Balin, Lord of Moria, and his brother Dwalin, two more former companions of Bilbo. It is also stated in the Unfinished Tales that Gimli was prevented from traveling with his father on The Quest of Erebor because Thorin and company thought him too young, though Gimli, being in his sixties, considered himself ripe for adventure and was disappointed to be left behind. He is a great minifigure despite being common. He is holding a big and a small axe which makes him not so stable but luckily the long bar can act as a stick to make him stand. The beard mold was very detailed but it covers all of his torso, so i took it out to see clearer. The logo of the belt resembles the shape of an axe. Without the manly beard now he looks like a boy. He has an alternate angry face. Hmm the angry face was kind of unnoticeable due to the large beard and helmet. He appeared in four sets, 9473 The Mines of Moria, 9474 The Battle of Helm's Deep, 79006 The Council of Elrond, and 79008 Pirate Ship Ambush. Similar to Legolas, he then reappeared in 71220 LEGO Dimension set with new headpiece.
10. Gollum, or Smeagol.

Gollum, originally known as Sméagol, was at first a Stoor, one of the three early Hobbit-types. The name Gollum was derived from the sound of his disgusting gurgling, choking cough. To include him as in the Fellowship of the Ring, he met and followed the company in search of his lost Precious, the One Ring that corrupted him for almost four hundred years in the Misty Mountains, eating raw fishes on his small boat. He grabbed the ring from his cousin Deagol as his birthday present and killed him after he refused to give. He then met Frodo and Sam again when they parted at Amon Hen, being their tour guide to Mordor with his wicked plan to bring them to the giant spider, Shelob. He exclusively appeared in the set 9470 Shelob Attacks. This one is the Wide eyes variant 'equipped' with a juicy fish. There is another variant with narrow eyes which appeared in 79000 Riddles of the Ring and 71218 LEGO Dimension Fun Pack.

I am very happy to have them in my display and please share your thoughts regarding this review and the collection of the Fellowship. Thanks for reading and I'm happy to prepare for next series of collection in this theme.
😢 Okay...I hope I can afford to collect them all when I find them. I do have Glóin and Gimli..Dáin and Frodo, Bilbo, Arwen, Galadriel, three Elronds, several Elven Guards, two Legolas', two Tauriels, Thranduil, Óin and Dwalin. I want the whole Fellowship, though.